
she has the exact same smile in every single picture. I hate smiles that feel rehearsed.

ah my little neglected blog

I've a new mistress and her name is
After two years of writing my random musings in this little sandbox of mine i realized that with close to nil readers i was really just writing for myself, despite efforts to bring others into the fold.
The truth is most people just don't give a shit about the well written bitching about a blokes inner struggle to figure himself out.
I know because i don't read too many blogs about other blokes well written bitching about finding themselves.
Enter : a blog for me to geek out, to tech cool hunt, to aggregate the plethora of wonderful that i find on the internets. A place to spout mac tutelage and the sort.
Something a bit more...accesible for people to read written by me.

This blog will continue in its current incarnation as a place where i play with words, spout, rage, smile, etc.
no format, no purpose other than to serve as a spill over for the stuff in my head.

and now the musical interlude.


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