
waiting can be one of the most difficult things to endure when you're trying to give yourself and someone else space.

Understanding that the minutes must go by, that decisions, thoughts, tears can't be rushed. That the silence is necessary.

every bloke i think has some part of him that wants to fix things now. Like a broken faucet or in my case a broken mac.

If i come across a problem with a computer, doesn't even need to be mine, i have a hard time not wanting to solve the puzzle then and there and fix it.

but the human heart is complex, and there is no wrench or techtool pro that you can you use on it.

So this girl that i love is crying somewhere, and the best thing i can do, even though it feels like the exact opposite of what i should do, and IS the exact opposite of what i want to do, is let her cry and wait.

which is hard.


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