...catching up with him

Father's Day.
My Dad has 6 children and 1 "illegitimate" child that he just found out about and is trying to build a relationship with. Of his children all of us at some point or another have been through therapy for co-dependancy and addictions of one sort or another and two have been through rehabs for eating disorders.
To say that the sins of the father reflect on the child is putting it mildly. We all grew up with, at various times, an incredibly absent father who was exceedingly generous financially, an interesting duality that for many years kept us from realizing just how absent he really was from our lives.
My youngest brother is the one who is really testing my father. He is 20. Never finished high-school and is gripped with such intense anxiety that he smokes pot every night just to try and go to sleep. When things started to unravel with my brother about three years ago my father decided that the best approach was to just let things reach a natural boiling point. To let things achieve a state of crisis. In hindsight he's admitted that was a mistake, but i also think he believed that he would be in a position to throw money at the problem and solve it when it finally boiled over. I don't think he ever realized that his financial situation could take a turn for the worse and that as a result he would find himself feeling far more impotent to combat the problems that finally have boiled over.

It's sad, deeply saddening to watch my brother so deeply dug into a trench of his own behavioral patterns and coping mechanisms. But what's worse is to realize that had my parents made different choices, and in this regard because my mother is bi-polar more of the blame falls on my father as the only physiologically stable parent, my brother david might not be in the state he is right now.

So on this fathers days my dad sits alone in a hotel room in Houston, overwhelmed by the weight of his responsibility to his youngest boy. Who at 20 years old is still just a boy, who's lost, and full of resentment towards a father that let him get lost, because at the time he thought thats what was best.


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