Meditation on Old Habits

having just watched an inconvenient truth i find myself culpable of the greatest of oversights; being lazy, unaware. of thinking the problems too great and hoping someone else fixes them. I live in a small neighborhood in one the most polluted and over populated cities in the world. Mexico City. The neighborhood is La Condesa, Mexico Cities Soho to make a rough and somewhat crude analogy. It is a place that has become overcrowded with parked cars on weekends from the hundreds of people that come their to spend there free time lunching and dining amongst the many restaurants that have sprouted up. It’s a place that has exactly two public trash cans both outside of two 7-11’s. two trash cans for an entire neighborhood of people consuming. The predictable outcome is that the streets are often littered with paper and half eaten fruits or worse small plastic bags full of trash stuffed into the hollow bits of tree’s or street lamps. I’ve often thought to myself something should be done. but i allow my cynicism about my country, the corruption, mediocrity and self centered-ness that seems an innate trait in my country men to take over. So i just go on, every day. Hoping that someone else will take action, and that one day i might find a public trash can in which to discard of my apple core, or star-bucks cup. I am guilty of expecting it to just happen when perhaps everyone else is expecting the same. I feel compelled to figure out something of the system that governs my little speck of dust on this ball of earth and perhaps effect some small change so that some other me in la Condesa is pleasantly surprised one day to find he has a trash can in which to properly dispose of his trash.


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