personal narratives

the average human life span is 73.43890 years. (That figure is completely made up)
We divide and subdivide our personal narrative into years, months,
relationships, cities lived, people known but almost always within a
very narrow forecast.
But in doing so we overlook the fact that some patterns will only
emerge over the course of longer units of time. Decades for example.

I've spent the last 18 months of my life trying to forecast patterns
for some of the people who are or have been in my life, trying to find
the ways that the might fit into the narrative, like an overcaffeinated
writing staff on a sitcom trying to write back in a character.

I've felt jittery, I've commented on it in various forms on this very
blog, and in the end i realized that in trying to script them into my
narrative i was just getting in the way.

sometimes you meet the love of your life a decade too soon, and
sometimes the love of your life becomes a life long friend...and
sometimes people are just momentary catalyst that poke at your insides
and remind you that you still have them.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    sometimes there are no patterns, it's just completely random. And one thing - you can never really predict anyone else's behaviour by looking at patterns...(i think!)

    good luck on your analysis!

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