
i'm 26 years old. tonight i wore a tuxedo for the first time. These are my thoughts at 3:20 am sitting in my boxers and black socks, having careful undressed and hung up my tuxedo and its accouterments in the closet:

Tuxedos make you feel like the pimpest motherfucker in the room, unless that room is full of other equally pimp feeling motherfuckers. (or any other fuckers for that fact.)
walking down the street, stepping out of the taxi, running into your hot 19 yr old neighbor and her friends drunk in the elevator, you feel like one pimp, suave, debonair, GQing son of a bitch!
but for the most part the occasions in which one is required to wear tuxedos are those in which every bloke wears a tuxedo, and lets face it, tuxedos vary very little, trying to...differentiate the tux from others usually ends poorly, like the bloke i saw with the pink cravat.

So right now i'm thinking come tomorrow morning i should wear that tux to grab a morning cup of coffee while i read the paper, i should wear a tuxedo next time i get laid, not TO get laid, but while doing the laying, i should wear a tuxedo taking myself for a walk, because man does it feel good! Tuxedo's are wonderful things to wear just as long as you're not in a room full of other blokes wearing the same.


  1. Unknown said...
    this made me laugh, very much and out loud.

    p.s. when we have our afternoon cocktail date, you wear your tux and I'll be dressed to the nines.
    lsd said...
    oooorale yo he visto esa ventana...nos vemos pronto bro!

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