Writing is such a curious bitch. There's no recipe. I've read about all these writers who force themselves to write x ammount during y time and so and so forth and i think its bullocks. I write. There are moments when things take longer to make their way to the page, screen, google blogspot server, etc and yes i am completely full of it and making excuses for the lack of updates. I wonder if there needs to be some filter, or if just the random observations of my day to day are worth sharing with the faceless more often than not commentless few who frequent this patch of internets.

observation: dating a stripper is sort of like dating a nudist or a girl who frequents the French Riviera. You sort of stop making such a big fuss about exposed breasts. I still love breasts but really sometimes we really do get a bit fixated on them as men.

vagina's on the other hand are still beautiful magnificent, delicious, mythical bits

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I think every writer has a different recipe. It seems that some are very prolific and some take more time to write, but no matter how the words are etched out, the presenting is good.

    maybe write a little each day, maybe do something else creative or just write when the idea strikes or when a phrase hits...

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