
tonight i almost called her (an ex, the ex, my ex?)
out of impulse, because she wrote that she was catching an early morning flight,
and she'd never expect a phone call from me.
because she wrote "call me an keep me awake" and she'd never expect a phone call from me

she'd be right too.

tonight i almost called because somewhere she wrote "if you don't have my number it must be for a reason huh?"

does it count if for some reason despite not having thought about her 9 digits in about a year, i discovered that even though i deleted it from my mental phone book there was a copy of it stored in my inner sim card, that was readily accessible as soon as the thought "do i remember her number number" crossed my mind
yes, yes i do in fact. I tried the numbers out on my cell phone, the quick gliding from number to number. oddly familiar,
but tonight i ALMOST called,

tonight i almost called for the same reason some people get shitty tattoos whilst drunk: impetuousness in the early morning hours

i'm not sure what i would have said beyond some trite version of bon voyage, it was mainly about knowing i could catch someone off guard, but then what if that caught me off guard...

it's a funny old business isn't it?


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