odd habits

i collect email address.
as in, i seem to have an disproportionate amount of email addresses registered.
mostly it happens because i think of some cool name for some as yet not functioning, recently conceived of company that will do no end of cool things and i then rush to gmail and see if someone else has thought of _____@gmail.com usually no one has and i chalk one more email address to my list.
at present count i have:
12 email addresses of which i regularly use 4.
There's some odd, collectors bug in me that keeps wanting to come up with new and interesting email accounts.
Some technopunk, pattern recognition, wanna be hacker vibe in me that enjoys the process of signing up for a new gmail account, 7 of the 12 emails are gmail.
Somewhere in the is the idea of emails as identity, It becomes part of our personal calling card, email me @...
They are like trying out differet characters or personas,
Someone who still holds onto johnsmith0934@hotmail.com seems to me lacking in cleverness or cool.
I have a mental catalog of criteria by which i immediately judge someones email address.
people who have email address composed of their first and last name rock, i wish luis.sosa@gmail.com was available, it is not.
in second place are emails that are clever without being stupid.
people that use L33T in their email address feel cool. such as p4ola@_____.com
or h4ck@____.com
in third place are people with some variation of first name and initial,
lsosa@____.com etc,
in last place are people who still use the email address they came up with when they were 15
butterly69 or sexychica18,
anything that sounds like it could be a handle for a webcam porn service basically.

so there it is, in odd minutia filled detail.
one of my odd habits.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I like the address I came up with when I was fifteen.
    I used to collect AIM screennames. It was an early-teen identity thing.

    Have a good.
    in.a.tryptic.set said...
    had a good, thank you.
    i suppose with me it's more akin to the rapper with 30 cars, sometimes you just wanna have more, except gmail accounts are free and parkings a bitch in my neighborhood so 30 cars would suck!

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