
on fucking too loudly: is it really that big a deal. I mean really what is it about hearing other people engage in what is essentially a fairly positive activity that gets us all rilled up? I mean do we mind if we hear the neighbors laugh? I think it bothers people because it forces us to comfront the reality that people fuck, our neighbor, our teachers, the cop, the waitress, the starbucks barista, the old woman in apartmen 4c, they all at some point or another fuck, probably, and that idea is somehow uncomfortable, so really when the downstairs neighbor yelled at the top of her lungs for us, (us being me and gf) to shut the fuck up, it was less so because of the noise of one woman moaning and more because it triggered some deep seated issue with acknowledging that you live in a big fucking city, in apts crammed side by side and yes on any given day people are having sex in your building, sometimes loudly, sometimes at 4 in the afternoon, having forgotten to shut the window that opens onto the central airshaft.


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