Pattern Recognition.

If i had the inclination to do so i'm sure i could go through the last two years of blog posts and find a definite pattern in my usage of time.

on the one hand I have since i graduated college in 2004 lived a blissful unencumbered by daily schedule existence. A freelance existence. Sat and Sunday are no more days off than Thursday afternoon if i feel like it. I don't have an office or employer to report to, and i have enough savings that most of the time i have enough to at the very least get by.

On the other hand all this freedom leaves waaaaay to much room for my old habits and demons to emerge, I am prone to both bouts of Consumerism (buying shit) and 24/7 sprees of co-habitation with whomever my significant other is at the time. Which leads to the occasional post where i bitch about feeling aimless, lost, or stuck.

The freelancers dilemma is not unique to me, Much has been written about the importance of giving yourself a schedule, getting dressed to go to work in the morning even if work is in your home office or on the living room couch with your laptop. And as the months tick by i've become aware that i really do need to take that advice to heart. Far too much time has been spent waiting on things to happen to me, or fall in my lap.
And i fear that if i don't start filling my time with specifics i'll waste it all on ambiguity.



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