She was my friend.

I only just found out, she passed away in dec. We both moved back to Mexico from nyc at about the same time, late 2006, and the last i saw her was after i came back from spain in April of 2007, after that we lost touch, but she was always in the back of my mind, wondering when we'd cross paths, Today i finally sent her an email, but it was bounced back, so i looked her up on facebook, and saw an facebook group in her memory. Death has never ever felt so real as it does right now. I've known people that have passed before, casual friends, extended family, parents of friends, etc, but i was always somewhat insulated from the full impact by a slight degree of seperation. was an almost was that became a friendship over the course of 2006. I'd been missing her for months now, thinking, looking forward to finally calling her up and catching up, I miss her all the more terribly knowing that i will never be able to.

I'd never really given too much thought to death, to what happens next, all i know is that if in some shape or form we carry on, there is now one person i look forward to coming across,

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1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    wow Luis, im really sorry to hear about Cossette. What happened to her? I know I never met her but I did know that she was a friend of yours... my condolences.

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