starbucks: controlled enviroment

in any scientific test you need a control element. Some constant controllable variable in order to make sure that what you are testing isn’t being influenced by anything else.
In my case i just now realized that Starbucks is the controlled environment. It’s the same. Here or NYC. the general feel of the place is the same. Same green and earth tone design. Same light wood furniture. Same coffee. The only thing that varies is the customers and the people working here. And sitting at this particular Starbucks on this particular Sunday writing my script as the 5’ oclock throng of people comes in i find myself surrounded by people i’d just as soon have vanish. This doesn’t happen to me at Starbucks in NYC, Vancouver, LA...the people that go there tend to be creatives like myself looking for a good cup of coffee and a place to plop down their laptops and go about the business of being creative. But’s all these preppy fuckers with their girlfriends and their seemingly never ending stream of banal conversation. They are all drinking pink colored frapuccinos. or there hunched over in front of a plethora of Dells, Thinkpads, Gateways, and other similarly loathsome PC laptops working on spreadsheets or chatting it up on skype with these enormous tele-marketer style headphones with mics. And all of the men have cell phones clipped to their belts like some slightly pudgy parody of an out of costume batman who’s kept the utility belt. It is now officially too full of people i can’t stomach to be surrounded by. Off i go.


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