
today i read a tag. a few words adhered to an image and i realized in about 3 maybe 2 seconds that logic and emotion are comparatively speaking not even related. they wouldn't even pass for distant cousin thrice removed. It seems an utterly pedestrian realization, but in those 3 maybe 1 second i "felt" it. It was visceral and i was surprised by just how visceral something that made no sense to me could be. Imagine if you will waking up one day and for 2 seconds "feeling" sad about pancakes. Your brain might think...wait it's pancakes i love pancakes why do i feel sad about pancakes that makes no sense, but somewhere in there for some illogical but none the less true reason, you "felt" sad about pancakes.

it's funny in a peculiar sort of way

i'm finished, this barely makes sense as it is.


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