the possible

It seems the world is full of duality. We are as people prone to it. We employ white lies, we laugh at the bosses joke or praise something mediocre our children do. We fall in love, multiple times and with multiple people sometimes simultaneously and it seems the only thing that matter is to embrace the concept of the deliberate. We can grit our teeth, pretend it won't be the case, but sometimes we will be presented with choices when we don't want any. That is the very nature of our existence, and sometimes over the mere possibility of something we will choose to allow duality into our lives, to be vulnerable to the impractical, the possibly complex, to be deliberate. lives are full of variables, choices; do i turn left or right. or shoud i climb up the tree instead. I think it requires courage to acknowledge that and to come to a fork in the road and stop and make a choice, again, every time you can, even if you chose to remain on your previous path.

I realize these post can at times seem vague but if you stop and think you'll realize that even though i might be writing about conclusion drawn from my own life, there are your own truths to back this up.

So we make choices. and i choose to believe in the holy trinity of love, creativity, passion
that that can all co-exist. That i can connect with that in one person.
I believe that and i think i may have just seen the trailer.

Coming soon....Summer of 2007?
Possibly June

and i was suprised to find that everything was okay. one thing did not negate the other but rather seemed to highlight. it continues, inspite of, perhaps, unswayed by a change in current.


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