
traditionally when one is broken up with the first steps are closure and separation of things. sweaters are returned, toothbrushes, photos are put away into shoe boxes that will remain untouched for many years to come. The neccesary steps to pretend that the other person doesn't really exist anymore. You try and forget and move on.

but what happens to those barriers when suddenly we live in a world of twitter feeds, myspace pages, blogs, flickr, youtube....

suddenly there is an overwhelming sea of information about the very person you are trying to forget. In all likelihood a sea of things that once brought a sense of sharing and connectedness; reading the twitter update of the girl you're involved with, or her blog can be delightful, but when that blog or twitter feed is the feed of the girl you are no longer seeing the very same thing becomes an accursed thorn in your side which you have to try overwhelmingly to avoid. Except that we don't. or at least i don't. Call it morbid curiosity, masochism, who knows, but it does kill the cat. So you check the blog, you look at the myspace page, you browse her flickr and wonder who the fuck that dude in the picture with her is, your inside turn into the angry tentacles of a mythological beast and you wish there was someway to forget, forget the urls, forget the twitter feed. Sure you can unfriend someone, but for those of us with good to decent memory, you remember and so you check, because somehow it tricks you into thinking them still a part of your life, even if only for the half second before evidence of their new life smacks you across the face like a hard rain.


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