

much has been written about muxtape in the last few days by the blogsphere. and for good reason. It's exceedingly simple, beautiful, fun, and clever and yet like most things that achieve this combination of adjectives it runs the very real danger of crossing the digital overlords of the RIAA (who appointed them anyways. fuckers!) for those that don't know it's very simply a website that allows you to upload 12 songs (that's it) and create your online mixtape that you can share with your mates. simple. except for it to be legal i'd have to actually have permission from the 12 different copyright holders to upload the songs. It's actually much grayer legal territory since the DMCA does allow provisions for fair use. but fair use is somewhat subjective. I hope muxtape sticks around, because its cool and clever and created by new yorkers, and as former new yorker i tend to root for the home team.


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