my changing ways

There was a time when all i needed to lead me to my newest frivolous technology purchase was that rush of Dopamine that the mere knowledge of a new gadget would elicit. My life for my first 25 years or so followed a steady stream of update after update that kept me on the relative cutting edge of whatever.

in the last two years though i've started to mellow. Tech purchases now undergo a less that rigorous evaluation through whatever part of my frontal cortex is responsible for responsible. The words "do you really need it" mock me. I sometimes find myself doing what no early adopted should ever do...wait...for the next version!

my computer will be two years old in sept. that for me is an eternity and yet other than the limit on RAM (2gb) i'm actually doing quite okay with it which doesn't help justify the mac pro i want to buy.

*this is a fairly mediocre post. but in the interest of the daily. i'm just gonna let it float onto my blog like that piece of poop that won't flush.


  1. Anonymous said...
    in.a.tryptic.set said...
    hello anonymous

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