everything is paid for in eggs.

I've recently been poor, broke, skint, strapped, impecunious, indigent, destitute (well not really)...but i had very little cash. A payment i was owed was delayed which lead to me low cash flow situation. This served to put things in an interesting perspective: the perspective of eggs.

9 days ago i was down to my last 90 pesos ($8.30 USD) The fridge was starting to look emptier and i went into what many nyu film students know as ramen noodle mode, except i fucking hate ramen noodles, they make me fat, and i'd rather be hungry than fat. no offense to hungry or fat people. I've been both.

So 90 pesos and i knew i had at least a week before i had any money coming in, what to do?
Eggs i though surely 90 pesos is enough for at least a dozen eggs, i can eat eggs twice a day for the rest of the week! Might even have some money left over for some bread or some cheese!

Well i walk over to the woman who sells fresh produce and eggs from a little hole in the wall (a block from starbucks, just to give some perspective, i hate cliched ideas about mexico having dusty roads, tequlia, and cacti, i've never seen a fucking cacti in mexico EVER.)
I ask her for a dozen eggs, she informs me they sell the eggs by the kilo and that a kilo is roughly sixteen eggs and each kilo of eggs is 13 pesos ($1.21 USD)...13 motherfucking pesos ($1.21 motherfucking USD) ! i had to ask twice. Yes 13...'cuantos quiero joven' (how many would you like young man) Fucking hell suddenly my 90 pesos no longer felt measly, i felt well off, i could feed a whole village of well...one or two people for weeks on 90 pesos worth of eggs. I asked for a kilo. 16 eggs which i've yet to finish.

ever since, everytime i pay for something i do the currency exchange.

my 36 pesos grande capuccino at starbucks = nearly 48 eggs.

the starting meter rate on a cab 20 pesos = 22 eggs give or take

an airport extreme base station 1,923 pesos = 2366 eggs!!!

puts things in perspective.


  1. Anonymous said...
    this made me laugh :)
    Unknown said...
    Imagine how many eggs for all of the ipods you've ever had
    in.a.tryptic.set said...
    i'm glad i made you laugh anonymous. (btw thats a common name.)

    and in truth i think it would ammount to so many eggs i could have sold them for a nice profit and bought ipods and sold which could have been used instead to buy eggs which i could then sell for a nice profit and buy ipods whic.......*BOOM*

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