musings on muses

a muse is defined as a source of inspiration.
that intangible addictive thing that most creatives come across, ones in a while.
It is unlike anything else I've ever known. Inspired i can feel, in the way words flow from me, the very idea of god.

it's astonishing that such potent stuffs can lay in the hands of a muse. To think that she, with her many ways, can stick her fingers in the liquid mush of my creativity and stir things up. It's only occasionally pleasurable, more often terrifying, and always irresistible

alas the problem with muses is that they are always innately human. The Greeks had it right. The muses of Greek myth were the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus. They were the offspring of GODS! That makes sense, entrust the power to incite creation into the hands of the offspring of gods.
Sadly that is no longer the case and every single one of the women that have been muses to me have all been human, flawed, at times broken, and every one of them has left me, with the scars of where all the stuffs she inspired blasted out of me like the fragments of a grenade.

In the end the trouble with muses is that they can disappear.


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