New York > D.F

Vibrant, organic, chaotic, clusterfuck,
that´s Mexico City. It is a little bit of what nyc was in the 1960´s and a little bit of what Soho is now. Half pretentions, half genuine cesspool of creativity and creation.
I think i am slowly falling in love with the city of my birth. I`m wary of her, i dont really trust her, but i am intrigued by what her energy does to me, by a city of contradictions. It is a country unto itself, our 20 plus million people.

It is a primarily catholic, somewhat conservative city where it is not uncommon for people to live at home all through their college education and only move out when they are ready to start their own families. Its a city of great economic inequality that bore one of the most voracious billionaires. Mexico City is also a place where nearly twenty thousand people stripped naked in the historical center for a new york photographer. It set a record turnout. eclipsing even the most liberal european cities. We have legalized abortion, same sex marriage, and will have free wifi throughout the cities public spaces by next year.

This is a city of the most beautiful dichotomy and in a way it seems perfectly suited to be the place i was born. I too am a hybrid, I am neither here nor there, i feel somewhat at home in Houston, New York City, Los Angeles, and Mexico City. I am a wandering nomad with a hermits habits. I grew up on a mix between Shel Silversteen books and my moms Mafalda comics (i always prefered Garfield as a kid, and now Calvin and Hobbes) my two earliest memories of LP´s are a Cri Cri album of kids songs and a Twisted Sister record which i would play adnaseum because i loved ´were not gonna take it´ I speak both English and Spanish almost wholy independantly of eachother. In english i sound american, perhaps east coast. In spanish i sound chilango though perhaps a slight wattered down version.

The more time i spend in this city the more i realize that it is me. Full of conflict and texture. A place where we all carve out the bits that best feed the hungry beasts of creation we carry wrapped around our intestines.
I will always love New York. she was good to me. she taught me about dreaming and loss. i met my first great love there. i hit rock bottom there. I confronted my demons there. I broke there. When New York finally unwrapped me from her bosom it was to say ¨goodbye¨.

I hope my years here in Mexico City prove as fruitful.

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    Y todavía te falta conocer el metro...

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