
If i don't write something i'm liable to stick my finger in my ear
and start pulling the by now atrophied pieces of my brain out little
by little.
My days have started to blend into a gray fuzz of listening to music,
drinking tea, and fucking around on my computer.
i adore my friends...that is the preface to me saying that lately i
don't seem to feel very connected to any of them. They are pleasant
sensory patterns my brain recognizes as familiar.
I need someone who understands words the way i do. Who can spend the
stuffs of days making chocolate chip pancakes out of words. In this
city there is one person who does that. She does that in spanish
though and i don't play as well in spanish. I want to feel
challenged, confronted by someone's wordering, comforted by it.

"Because everyone else is boring. And because you are different." -
Stéphane Miroux


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