love, fairytales, and self

'all you need is love' - the Beatles

'what the world needs now, is love, sweet love...' - the carpenters

'At last, my love has come along, my lonely days are over, and life is like a song' - Etta James

'As long, as long as i have you' - Elvis Presley

Beginning to see a pattern? The holy grail perhaps? I've been in love. truly. honest i have. We in fact loved each other. In the end that really meant fuck all. I don't mean to give the wrong impression. That in and of itself is rare, and it was a large part of the years we shared with each other, but in the end love really had nothing to do with it.

Nothing new right?, i could find and equal number of songs detailing that one fact 'love is not enough' in fact that's a nine inch nails song right there. The irony is we are fundamentally conditioned to believe the opposite. We are bombarded by happy endings, love stories, fairy tales. We place love above self. We attribute it as the reason for any number of silly things.

"you're nobody till somebody loves you...." says Dean, and Dean Martin can sound awfully convincing when he's crooning those words. But i think we can handle romanticism without the fairy tales, i think we can deal with the fact that love is only the main ingredient in a recipe as complex as Molé Poblano:

1 chicken or turkey - love is perhaps the chicken or turkey in this analogy

11 ancho chiles - sex

6 mulatto chiles - sex

3chiles chipotles adobados - sex

3tablespoons chile seeds - making love

5pasilla chiles - sex

4oz. almonds - cuddling

4oz. peanuts - sharing

8oz. sesame seeds - communication

2oz. pumpkin seeds - compromise

1bar dark chocolate - chocolate

6 allspice - humility

6 cloves - understanding

1 cinnamon stick - humor

A pinch aniseed - spontaneity/adventure

4 tomatoes - passion

10 green tomatillos - ego, self, to thine own self be true

3 cloves - joy

1 medium onion - pain

3 tortillas - self confidence

1 stale white bread roll - stability

1/2 lb.lard - all the messy misc. stuff

2tablespoons vinegar - independence

I'm sure I've left out a few things. but it gives you a rough idea of just how over simplified our ideas of relationships are. Maybe if we knew going into it how complex the recipe was we'd never attempt it?
As it stands, we clutch onto the first chicken we see and wonder why the fuck we aren't feasting on mole poblano yet?

i fear my analogy is starting to fall apart but it looks too clever to let go of, so I'm gonna hold on, Relationships are like mole poblano. OKAY? and love is just a chicken.

*the original text of this asterix was here for the wrong reasons, now it is gone.


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