proxmity cool

I've decided that i like having old late 60's early 70's movies playing in the background as i do other things. There is something about those old color stocks that they used that just 'feels' cool.
as if, by osmosis. I, sitting in my blue stripped boxers and beige t-shirt, will somehow absorb some 'Cool' from Bullit or Doc, or hell Newman in...anything he did in the 70's.
they had some really great wardrobe designers back them.

I once read an article in GQ that mourned the utter lack of off-set movie star style in our present day movie stars. i.e. how many times have you seen Leo DiCaprio wearing fucking sandals and socks....anything higher than "0" is one too many.

So here's to 70's movie stars playing on the TV in the background as i write about them and feel a proximity cool

* and yes that is a black and white picture taken by peter schroeder of paul newman, i stumbled across it and thought it was cool so there it is.


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